Iran may strike Israel in 48 hours, according to a report.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Iran may strike directly against Israel within 48 hours, which it holds accountable for the fatal assault on its consulate in Damascus. According to the source, Israel is getting ready for the attack while Iran’s top leader assesses the political ramifications of carrying out such an operation.



  • According to WSJ, Iran may launch a frontal attack on Israel within the next 48 hours.
  • Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is assessing the political risks.
  • Iran promises to exact revenge for the assault on its consulate in Damascus. 

According to a report, Iran is expected to attack Israel directly within the next 48 hours, and the Jewish state is getting ready for it. Citing an individual who had received a briefing from the Iranian government, the Wall Street Journal published an article on Friday.

Israel is at war with Hamas in Gaza and is now facing off against its longstanding foe, Iran. The Israel-Hamas conflict appears to have no conclusion in sight.

Iran is still assessing the political ramifications of attacking Israel directly, according to the source cited by The Wall Street Journal.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s adviser reportedly stated, “The strike plans are in front of the Supreme Leader, and he is still weighing the political risk.”

In the most recent development, Iran has threatened to exact revenge for the attack on its consulate in Damascus, Syria, which resulted in the deaths of six additional military officials and a senior Iranian general.

Although Israel hasn’t formally admitted or disputed its involvement in the attack, Iran has accused the Jewish state for the incident.

According to reports, on April 1, Israeli airplanes assaulted Iran’s consulate in Damascus, killing six officers and the country’s top military commander.

Mohammad Reza Zahedi of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps was murdered in the attack that destroyed the Iranian consulate in the capital of Syria.

Israel has been targeting Iranian military leaders who have aided militant groups fighting Israel; this was indicated by the strike that took place in Damascus.

Recognizing the possibility of an impending attack, the United States issued a travel alert for its citizens visiting the Jewish state. 

Iran pledged after the Israeli attack on its consulate that it would counterattack but would prevent a further worsening of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, declared following the incident that “Israel must be punished, and it shall be”.

Tehran, however, insisted on pressing conditions, like as a ceasefire in Gaza, and stated that it would not move quickly. 

Following the October 7 attack on southern Israel by Iran-backed Hamas, which led to an Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip, Israel increased the number of airstrikes it conducted in Syria against Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia.

Travel warning: Israel and Iran

All Indians are advised to postpone travel to Iran or Israel till further notice due to the current circumstances in the region.

It is requested of everyone living in Iran or Israel at this time to register with the Indian Embassies there.

Additionally, they are asked to take the greatest safety precautions and limit their activity. 

Fearing a frontal attack on Israel, the West is pressuring China to step in and assist Iran.

In order to stop Iran from directly striking Israel in retaliation and raising tensions in the Middle East, Western officials have put more pressure on China.

Amid growing concerns of Tehran’s reprisal against Israel, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke earlier this week with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and other counterparts in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

According to U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller on Thursday, Blinken requested that the foreign ministers “make clear that escalation is not in anyone’s interest, and that countries should urge Iran not to escalate.” 

“Over the past few days, we have also communicated with our European allies and partners, urging them to convey to Iran that escalation serves no purpose for Iran, the region, or the global community.”

According to a Reuters story published on Friday that cited German officials, Beijing and Germany have been in communication on Iran, a country over which China has influence. Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz is scheduled to visit China the next week.

While criticizing China as a commercial threat, European and American officials are also advising it to use its significant diplomatic influence with nations that have been cut off by Western sanctions. 

As one of the final consumers of Russia’s and Iran’s oil supplies, Beijing is an important trading partner. The three nations are also part of the BRICS alliance of rising markets, which is headed by China.


Can missiles from Iran reach Israel?

Iranian media, such as ISNA, has highlighted the arsenal of the nation, which consists of nine different types of missiles that can reach Israel, some of which can reach up to 560 mph and cover a distance of 1242 miles. These events highlight the unstable state of affairs in the area and the possibility of further escalation.

Which is stronger, Iran or Israel?

With about 13 times more available manpower and three times more active people than Israel, Iran was able to secure the 17th spot. In terms of airpower (601 aircraft against 541) and defense spending ($24.3 billion versus $5.5 billion), Israel, nevertheless, outperformed Iran.

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