In the US, TikTok Might be Banned. When India did it, this is What Transpired.

A law that might require the Chinese corporation that owns the TikTok app, ByteDance, to divest from the business or risk being banned has been adopted by the US House of Representatives.

President Joe Biden signed a massive $95 billion national security plan on Wednesday that includes a provision that might outlaw TikTok, but there’s a catch: it can’t happen before the 2024 election. This implies that, it has 170 million users in the United States, will continue to be influential during the campaign, giving politicians a chance to connect with a largely younger electorate. A previous iteration of the measure might have prohibited the well-known video-sharing app before the election, but new modifications may spare lawmakers and Biden from an immediate reaction from voters.


The new law gives ByteDance, the parent firm of TikTok, located in Beijing, nine months to sell the app or risk a statewide ban in the US. If the president certifying that there is a path to divestment and “significant progress” in executing it allows for a one-time extension of ninety days, the selling deadline will be shortened to one year. The earliest a ban might take effect, even in the absence of the prolongation, is January 2025. By virtue of the extension, April would arrive.

Additionally, the situation may become much more entangled in the legal system given it’s threat of legal action. This is a change from a previous bill passed by the House that included a six-month window in which a ban might have been imposed prior to the November election.

When will TikTok disappear?

According to the most recent version of the law, TikTok has nine months, or 270 days, to sell the company to another business. If “significant progress” is being made in selling it, there are extra 90-day extensions available. In the US, the app would most likely keep functioning normally during that period.

It would continue to operate well after the November presidential election thanks to the 270-day period. With only 180 days remaining in the original House measure, the app might have been shut down one month before the election.

Why Did India Ban Tiktok?

The app run by Chinese internet company ByteDance, will be discontinued for Indian users in June 2020. A military confrontation near the India-China border prompted New Delhi to abruptly ban the well-known app along with many other Chinese apps. Ties between the two Asian behemoths reached an all-time low after the deaths of twenty Indian and four Chinese soldiers. In addition to claiming that Chinese apps endanger India’s security and sovereignty, the government also raised privacy concerns. After the tragic conflict in the isolated Karakoram mountain border region, Indian protestors had been asking for a boycott of Chinese products, and this initiative was largely well-received there. 

Digital policy expert Nikhil Pahwa, creator of tech website MediaNama, said, “There was a clamour leading up to this, and the popular narrative was how can we allow Chinese companies to do business in India when we’re in the middle of a military standoff.” Pahwa continued, “India had also restricted investment from Chinese companies just months prior to the ban.” “The case of TikTok wasn’t unique. India has so far prohibited more than 500 Chinese apps.”

When does the ban go into effect?

After talks, ByteDance was given nine months instead of the planned six to divest from its U.S. business. If the sale is already underway, the business will have an additional three months to close it.

Therefore, a prohibition wouldn’t take effect for at least a year; however, given the likelihood of judicial challenges, this may take many years. Although it has had some success in the past with legal challenges, the company has never tried to stop the implementation of federal legislation.

People Ask For

Is TikTok going to be banned in the United States?

The law guarantees the app’s continued existence through the autumn campaign by giving TikTok’s parent firm, based in China, nine to twelve months to sell or face being banned in the United States.

Is TikTok banned in India?

A ban would take effect after at least a year, although it would take longer due to potential legal challenges. The 2020 ban in India was implemented quickly. After giving TikTok and other businesses a chance to address concerns about security and privacy, the ban was made permanent in January 2021.

Who owns TikTok?

Despite being blocked in China, TikTok amassed a billion subscribers in just five years. While it is presently managed by a limited liability corporation with offices in Singapore and Los Angeles, ByteDance still holds the majority stake. Even though its founders only own 20% of ByteDance, they hold the majority share of the business.

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